Super Mario run apk mod 2.1.1 all things unlock Without ROOT

Super Mario run mod apk 2.1.1 no ROOT 2017

Features of This Hack :- 

(1) all things unlocked

(2) anti ban 

(3) no root 

(4) god mod enabled

(5) 100% working 

(6) no update required 

Hi friends How are YOU all and I am  Hanu Tyagi 

If you are SEARCHING for:-How to hack Super Mario run,How to hack Super Mario run unlimited money,How to Mod Super Mario run,How to Mod Super Mario run unlimited money,Super Mario run mod apk,Super Mario run unlimited money Mod apk. 

Than you are at Right place

So,today i will show you Super Mario run Apk

"Super Mario run unlimited money Hack mod apk without root android 2017"

So,before it let's know More about this MOD :- 

Super Mario run Mod in which you will get Unlimited Money,also You will get unlimited Food,Unlimited Water,You can travel anywhere You want on map,you will get all the houses completely Build.

In this Mod You will also Get a special Feature with is THE GOD MOD which means you are IMMORTAL

But Sometime THE GOD MOD does not Work

Click the link given BLOW to Download the MOD                                           


1.Click on the link GIVEN

2.A new Tab will OPEN

3.Wait for 5sec

4.SKIP button will appear in the top right-hand corner of the Page

5.Clicks on the SKIP button

6. You will automatically redirected to the Download PAGE

How to use.

1.Uninstall the original version of game

2.install the mod apk

3.That's it

Enjoy The MOD

HOW TO FIX LICENSE ERROR  (purchase issue) & installing error:-

1)If you get License error like Download failed or application not licensed then follow these steps

2)Go to play store and search this game

3.Cancel the DOWNLOADING after 2MB.

4.Now you can Install your MOD 😊.

 It will work fine.


Step 1:  Download Latest version of Lucky Patcher                                                                               
Step 2: Install Lucky Patcher, Open it and Grant root access.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Step 3: Search for apps that has License verification and you want to remove it. You will see “License Verification Found” written below it.
Step 4:  Tap on app and select Open menu of patches. Then select Remove License Verification.
Step 5: Tap on Auto mode.
Step 6: Tap apply and wait few seconds. Now Launch the app to see if License is removed. If it is not removed, follow step 7.

Step 7: If License verification is still not removed, now follow up to step 4 again, then in step 5 choose Manual mode and select the options you think are better and try again. Alternatively, you can install modded play store to get rid of License verification forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 It will work fine

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